After the wait, we went for dinner at the restaurant. They slurped everything... As if not enuf, they asked for ice-cream after that!
After the wait, we went for dinner at the restaurant. They slurped everything... As if not enuf, they asked for ice-cream after that!
As for their swimming, they've managed to grasp the breast stroke and are now learning free style. Mummy has always thought that Brandon would do better in swimming compared to Alicia as she's afraid of water since young. However, she has gone far and exceeded our expectations. She loves the water and can swim at the deep pool without the float anymore. Well done, Alicia! As for Brandon, maybe it's cos of his playful nature, he's still struggling without the float - his strokes go haywire whenever he's nervous!
Once in a while, Caden will follow along...
Gardenasia, an eco-garden. An interesting place as kids get to interact with the plants.