Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1st Phonics Class

Alicia and Brandon seemed to be doing well in school. For the past 3 days, the 1st thing that Brandon told me when I fetch them would be, "Mummy, today I eat so-and-so." Food is so important to him. When asked, both told me they like the new school. Great! Tomorrow is the official 1st day, after 3 days of orientation.

Today, they also started their 1st Phonics class. Brandon attended his in the afternoon. I mus say it's money well spent cos he's the only student for the afternoon slot! Teacher Sam is a very patient and nice guy (o... and handsome too). I was allowed to sit in for about 15mins and am amazed at how Brandon responds to him. He's much better than I have expected. The teacher kept praising him. Great job, my boy!!!

Alicia attended the evening session. There are 3 students for her time slot. She's very excited to attend the class and was super-hyper since 6pm.

Mummy me waited for them for an hour each. In the afternoon, I ran errands - went to bank, ordered bak kwa, found out more about a Speech & Drama class, etc. In the evening, I relaxed at Ice3, sipping a cup of latte. How nice... Shall make it a weekly relaxed 3/4 hour for myself.

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