Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nightmare (cont'd)

Brandon woke up with a mild fever today.  Oh dear, what else can mummy do but bring him to Dr Ong?

We waited for 2 hours.  Dr Ong said it's not scabies, definitely.  It should be some form of insect bite which could have been gotten from the garden or playground.  What a relief!

Brandon playing with the toys at the clinic.

Daddy instructed that he be banned from playground for now.  Wonder how he'll feel tonite.  Daily, he'll pester 99 to bring him to the playground after his dinner.  She'll usually tell him to wait till the 7pm show on Channel U (The 7 Princess) is over.  Once, he was so impatient waiting that he switched off the TV and told her, "Finish already!"  What a smart boy!  : )

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