Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Alicia loves to draw!

Mummy went to the Popular BookFest at Expo on Sunday when the kids were having their afternoon nap. Had intended to get a few activity books for A & B. Saw a few at $3+ and started putting them into my basket. After much searching, I found $1 activity books! The KS Mummy jus grabbed and grabbed... In the end, the basket was so heavy that I had to kick it around. Bought $65 worth of activity books & Chinese story books which were mostly $1 or $0.60. Crazy?

Managed to get a few cartoon drawings book for Alicia. She was so excited to try them out. Of course, Brandon tried too. But... his results can't be shown cos he ended up tearing his paper!

Alicia was very good - look at her girrafe! Treated them to colorful tao-huay...

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