Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Off to the Zoo

We went to the zoo on Saturday morning. Mummy woke up early to prepare some egg sandwich to bring along. It was great that Caden recovered from his diarrhoea for the trip.

Daddy decided to make it different - no tram ride, instead we'll walk. At the entrance, he suggested renting the wagon and the kids were so excited about it. To me, Daddy seemed more excited than them - playing whenever he sees slopes.

Before entering the zoo...

It was a torture.. so tiring to pull 3 kids that he sweat so much!!! Whenever I said we should let the kids rest, Daddy would say, "u mean, time for me to take a rest?" Haaa...

We paid $5 for the giraffe feeding - all 3 kids dared to feed leh! The giraffe's tongue was so long that I found it so disgusting. And when it was group photo time, the zoo-keeper passed me a carrot and asked me to pose but not feed it. It almost licked my face!! Eww!!!

Caden was singing and humming for most of the trip, until...

Meal time! We had lunch at Ah Meng restaurant and Daddy gave us a banana split treat!

We enjoyed the trip!!! Best of all, the weather was perfect!

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